Saturday, February 9, 2013

Parse XML Files in Style

Parse XML Files in Style

Posted by: jamesj3k In: Development

One would think that parsing and generating xml files using the iPhone SDK would be a simple task.  However, Apple decided to leave out the NSXML and related classes from the SDK.  So- out of the box, that leaves us with NSXMLParser.  No thanks.

My first question was: How can I deal with xml the way I'm used to- the way C#, ActionScript, and to a lesser extent JavaScript handle it.  The answer is the wonderful KissXML package.

Now we can do things like this:

  NSString * fileContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: filePath encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];  DDXMLDocument * doc = [[DDXMLDocument alloc] initWithXMLString: fileContents options:0 error:nil];  DDXMLElement * root = [doc rootElement];  NSDictionary * mapAttribs = [root attributesAsDictionary];    mapSize.width = [[mapAttribs valueForKey:@"width"] intValue];  mapSize.height = [[mapAttribs valueForKey:@"height"] intValue];    DDXMLElement * tilemap = [[root elementsForName:@"tilemap"] objectAtIndex:0];  NSString * source = [[tilemap attributeForName:@"source"] stringValue];

Not as good as C#, but much better than NSXMLParser. Happy XMLing.

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