slides from my R tutorial on Twitter text mining #rstats
Update: thanks to eagle-eyed Carl Howe for noticing a slightly out-of-date version of the score.sentiment() function in the deck. Missing was handling for NA values from match(). The deck has been updated and the code is reproduced here for convenience:
score.sentiment = function(sentences, pos.words, neg.words, .progress='none')
# we got a vector of sentences. plyr will handle a list
# or a vector as an "l" for us
# we want a simple array ("a") of scores back, so we use
# "l" + "a" + "ply" = "laply":
scores = laply(sentences, function(sentence, pos.words, neg.words) {
# clean up sentences with R's regex-driven global substitute, gsub():
sentence = gsub('[[:punct:]]', '', sentence)
sentence = gsub('[[:cntrl:]]', '', sentence)
sentence = gsub('\\d+', '', sentence)
# and convert to lower case:
sentence = tolower(sentence)
# split into words. str_split is in the stringr package
word.list = str_split(sentence, '\\s+')
# sometimes a list() is one level of hierarchy too much
words = unlist(word.list)
# compare our words to the dictionaries of positive & negative terms
pos.matches = match(words, pos.words)
neg.matches = match(words, neg.words)
# match() returns the position of the matched term or NA
# we just want a TRUE/FALSE:
pos.matches = !
neg.matches = !
# and conveniently enough, TRUE/FALSE will be treated as 1/0 by sum():
score = sum(pos.matches) - sum(neg.matches)
}, pos.words, neg.words, .progress=.progress )
scores.df = data.frame(score=scores, text=sentences)
score.sentiment = function(sentences, pos.words, neg.words, .progress='none')
# we got a vector of sentences. plyr will handle a list
# or a vector as an "l" for us
# we want a simple array ("a") of scores back, so we use
# "l" + "a" + "ply" = "laply":
scores = laply(sentences, function(sentence, pos.words, neg.words) {
# clean up sentences with R's regex-driven global substitute, gsub():
sentence = gsub('[[:punct:]]', '', sentence)
sentence = gsub('[[:cntrl:]]', '', sentence)
sentence = gsub('\\d+', '', sentence)
# and convert to lower case:
sentence = tolower(sentence)
# split into words. str_split is in the stringr package
word.list = str_split(sentence, '\\s+')
# sometimes a list() is one level of hierarchy too much
words = unlist(word.list)
# compare our words to the dictionaries of positive & negative terms
pos.matches = match(words, pos.words)
neg.matches = match(words, neg.words)
# match() returns the position of the matched term or NA
# we just want a TRUE/FALSE:
pos.matches = !
neg.matches = !
# and conveniently enough, TRUE/FALSE will be treated as 1/0 by sum():
score = sum(pos.matches) - sum(neg.matches)
}, pos.words, neg.words, .progress=.progress )
scores.df = data.frame(score=scores, text=sentences)
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