Monday, March 5, 2012

44 Idea Management Software Solutions!

44 Idea Management Software Solutions!

This website maintains a list of Idea Management software products available on the market in the right hand column of the site. As at the time of writing, there are 44 distinct Idea Management Software vendors listed.

There is quite an array of different approaches and different strengths from a wide range of suppliers.

Here is the current full list:
  1. Accept Ideas
  2. Akiva
  3. BrainBank IdeaLink
  4. BrainReactions
  6. Cognistreamer
  7. Component Workshop BrightSpark
  8. CorasWorks Idea Management for Sharepoint
  9. Creax
  10. DataStation Innovation Cloud
  11. e-tipi
  12. Employee Suggestion Box
  13. HypeIMT
  14. i-nova
  15. IBM Idea Factory
  16. id-force
  17. ID8 Enterprise Idea Management
  18. Idea Accelerator
  19. Idea Champions IngenuityBank
  20. IdeasCount
  21. Imaginatik Idea Central
  22. Incent Solutions ids Software
  23. Innovation Factory IdeaNet
  24. InnovationCast
  25. inogate
  26. InsightResults e-Impact
  27. Invention Machine Goldfire
  28. Jenni
  29. justlogin
  30. Kindling
  31. Kirei Mile Marker
  32. MangoSpring MangoIdeas
  33. MindMatters Innovator
  34. MuchBeta Teepin
  35. Nosco Idea Exchange
  36. Orchidea Innovations
  37. phpOutsourcing IdeaBox
  38. Prism ISDE
  39. QMarkets Ideation 2.0
  40. SalesForce Ideas
  41. SAP Inspire
  42. SIM
  43. Spigit
  44. Uservoice

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